Thread Lifting

As we age, our face typically loses muscle tone and the skin begins to thin, leading to pronounced lines, folds and sagging. Loss of volume around the eyes can give them a sunken appearance, droopy eyelids and noticeable crow’s feet.

Thread lifting is a non-surgical aesthetic procedure using temporary sutures that safely dissolve over a period of time to produce a subtle but visible lifting effect in the skin.

The action of the thread suture is to pull the skin back slightly and so create the lifting and tightening in the face. Additionally, this aesthetic procedure provokes the body’s healing response causing the body to produce an increase of collagen in the area and so further rejuvenating the skin and face.

Comparing to the conventional facelift surgery, this procedure is low-risk, cost effective and has minimal downtime, making it an obvious choice for aesthetic professionals.

Who would be a good candidate for Thread Lifting?

Patients in their 30s or 40s. People of 50 and over can be candidates as long as their skin has not become too lax.

Indications to improve your appearance by enhancing and highlighting features lost to premature ageing, improving sagging or loose skin on your face and neck. The changes that have occurred in the face and neck are not serious enough to warrant a surgical face or neck lift.

Seeking changes which are subtle and flattering, but not dramatic.



Skin Rejuvenation Technologies offers aesthetic medical professionals Rejulift™ and Tesslift thread products exclusively to aesthetic medical professionals.